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Fair Game Good Grades Rewards Program

Fair Game Good Grades Rewards Program

Being a student is HARD WORK, and that’s why Fair Game is rolling out a program to reward the efforts of area students.

As a parent of four kids, I totally get the challenge that comes with all of the homework, tests, take-home projects and more.  As much of a challenge as it can be to help our kids stay on top of things, I also am frequently in amazement of what they’re learning, creating and the effort they are putting in to be good students.  When the end of the grading period comes, I want to find ways to celebrate their accomplishments and provide that positive reinforcement for putting in the effort. 

So it got me thinking……  We have so many students that come through Fair Game on a regular basis (and many more that have yet to discover our awesomeness!), couldn’t we help to provide some additional incentive for these students, adding another layer of “carrots” for these kids?   Wouldn’t it be SO FUN to celebrate the hard work of these students with them? 


I came across a program by another game store that I admire that’s been in place for a few years and thought, this seems like a great program!   So I ran it by my kids to get their input and I got 8 thumbs up, so here we go!  The “kid-approved” Fair Game Good Grade Reward Program (FGGGRP!)


Here’s how it will work:

Once per reporting period, bring in your report card (or college transcript) for big savings!  We will figure your Grade Point Average (GPA) and your discount is your GPA times 10, BUT you’ll need to have all B’s or higher to qualify.  If there are any C’s or lower on your report card, you’ll have to work harder next time! 

Here’s how we’ll calculate your GPA:

A or A+  = 4.0

A- Or B+ = 3.5

           B = 3.0

          B- = 2.5

We will add up the points and divide by the number of grades for the final GPA.  This means that if you get straight A’s, your discount is 40% off any one item!  Don’t worry if you get numerical grades, +’s and –‘s or have another grading system.  We will figure out the equivalent discount.



It's as simple as that!  Now get to studying and we'll see you in a few weeks to help celebrate the hard work!! 



To qualify, you must be a full-time student, defined as in grade school or equivalent, or a college/secondary school student in “full-time” status according to the guidelines of your school (often this is 12 credits or more).  The report card discount must be used within 30 days of receipt of your report card or transcript.  Discounted merchandise must be purchased for personal use and you may not purchase items for your friends.

Fair Game reserves the right to disallow or alter this program on a per-student basis if we feel these requirements are not being honored.  Some products in the store are excluded – just ask for those details. 


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